Monday, May 3, 2010


Here are a few of my favorite recipes that give me what I want, but still keep me on track. When cooking I try to stick to gluten free products and I usually use coconut oil instead of olive or canola. Coconut oil has a higher heat tolerance and adds a great flavor to foods.


Gluten Free Banana Bread:
I sub agave instead of the brown sugar and I use egg instead of arrow root. Arrow root is a dairy free thickener for those that can’t or don’t eat dairy.

I Am Bliss (chocolate cream pie)
This is a raw dessert but you would never know! It uses irish moss which gives it the creamy pudding texture. You’ll need a food processor and a vitamix for this recipe.

Chicken Tacos:
I use olive oil and sprouted corn tortillas for this.

Pad Thai:
again...use agave in place of sugar.

Quinoa Salad:
So yummy! and protein packed

Spicy Grilled Peach and Chicken Kabobs:
made these the other night. Fantastically taste bud pleasing.

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