Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Music Motivation!

Ok when going to the gym....you need motivation. Getting there is hard enough, once you're there you need something to help you kick ass on the treadmill or power though those lunges. Soooo what I like to do in order to "pump" myself up is make an insane....yes...insane... playlist. Not only will you be entertained but you can make a playlist for the amount of time you want to be at the gym! I've posted my gym playlist for you to see...Download all the tracks on itunes.

1. Only Man- Audio Bullys
2. Daydreaming- Kid Sister (feat. Cee-Lo)
3. Get Shaky- The Ian Carey Project
4. Seven- New Roman
5. Play Your Part (Part. 1)- Girl Talk
6. Remedy- Little Boots
7. Wrong Prayer- Jaydiohead
8. Needy Girl (Bloc Party Remix)- Chromeo
9. LA Girl (Crookers Remix)- Sean Brown
10. Ghosts 'N' Stuff- Deadmau5 (Feat. Rob Swire)
11. Lady Don't Tek No- Latryx
12. Keep it goin' louder- Major Lazer (feat. Nina Sky & Ricky Blaze)
13. Shimmy Shimmy Ya- Wu-Tang Clan
14. Sleepyhead- Passion Pit
15. It Was All a Dream- Jay Z (Feat. Notorious B.I.G.)
16. Know Your Enemy- Rage Against The Machine
17. Holiday- Madonna
18. Heads Will Roll- Yeah Yeah Yeahs
19. Song 2- Blur
20. Gimme All Your Lovin- ZZ Top
21. Everybody Got Their Something- Nikki Costa
22. The Messenger- A Gondola Ride In Paris
23. Love Today- Mika

There you have it. My current workout playlist. ENJOY!! Stay motivated :)  

Monday, March 22, 2010

Navigating the Grocery Store

The grocery store can be a very intimidating place when starting a new "diet" or way of life (how I like to refer to it). There are so many products and brands today at your local health food store. So I was thinking it might be helpful if I made a list of the main products and brands that I like to stick to. I've thoroughly researched and tested these products (on myself....not my dog) and they are my favorites.

My favorite brand is NEW CHAPTER, but they can get pretty pricey. If you have the money I would recommend buying all your vitamins and supplements from them...There are many brands that are great and wont break the bank.

NEW CHAPTER my favorite products http://www.newchapter.com/
NOW is a great brand for enzymes, vitamin D3 and so on http://www.nowfoods.com
OREGON'S WILD HARVEST is a great brand all organic and biodynamic. http://www.oregonswildharvest.com/
JUNGLE PRODUCTS best coconut oil I've come across. Coconut oil is a good fat with a high heat tolerance. It aids in weight loss, supports the immune system and so much more. I use it on my skin and hair as well. http://www.junglepi.com/products/coconut_oil.html
UDO'S is hands down the best omega fatty acids I've used http://www.florahealth.com/Flora/Home/canada/Products/R7980.asp
DR. OHHIRA'S probiotics are the best! I love these. I don't by any other brand. http://drohhiraprobiotics.com/index.html
BRAGG apple cider vinegar and amino acids are great products. http://www.bragg.com/

So that covers my favorite brands for supplements! I hope that helps.
A few things I like to do at the grocery store

*Stick to the perimeter of the grocery store. all the fresh veggies, fruits and meats are there.
*Stay away from anything packaged or with a long ingredient list. The goal is to eat fresh, unprocessed foods and anything bagged or boxed is usually processed.
*Don't go when you're hungry!
*Make a list and stick to it.
*Don't go with friends that will stray you from you focus and goals with your eating.
*Buy as much organic as you can.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Get Fit With Summer website check it out...tell me what you think :)




This is my blog for getting fit! I will fill it with tips, tricks, advice, recipes, workouts, links and a lot more to inspire you, excite you, and keep you motivated with your fitness goals. I know that we all have crazy busy lives and have only a little time here and there to focus on ourselves. There are a lot of diets out there, a lot of false claims of miracle weight loss, a lot of gimmicks. I have spent the last 5 years of my life sorting though all of these so that I can give you the real deal. I'm a certified personal trainer and nutritionist with NASM. Fitness and health are my passions and I hope that this blog is helpful for you! if you have any questions or comments please email me at fitnesswithsummer@gmail.com

Let Get Fit!